FWA, an example of successful entrepreneurship
- The operators in this sector are among a small number whose shareholders are entirely or mainly Italian
- Small- and medium-sized companies that have invested in autonomy
- Large companies (including international companies) that have made major investments in Italy
A history of competition in infrastructure
- The investments by the FWA have, in fact, created a series of alternative infrastructures
- The only alternative infrastructures to the legacy copper network capable of providing UBB services
Social implications of the FWA
- The investments made have helped bridge the digital divide, taking broadband (yesterday) and ultra-broadband (today) to places where market dynamics had previously tended to exclude investments by large-scale operators.
- Above all they have helped create wealth in local regions, often very challenging due to their mountainous terrain and/or low population densities, bringing network access, infrastructures, investments and employment.