The Cloud and Fixed Wireless Access Coalition (CFWA) was born on 12th April 2016 with the intention of providing institutional representation for the entire Fixed Wireless industry. TowerCos, Vendors, System Integrators, Satellite Operators, WISPs, CSP and around 60 companies determined, by joining forces, to become a unique and influential interlocutor in the debate in Italy on ultra-broadband.
A place for institutional representation, undoubtedly, but not only. The Coalition also wants to become an enabling force for innovative entrepreneurial projects: from the Internet of Things to the study of new business models capable of using the infrastructure investments made as leverage.
The operators in the FWA Coalition, in fact, have always been at the forefront when it comes to encouraging innovation and fully exploiting the potential of local regions through the dissemination of broadband and ultra-broadband. Companies whose shareholders are all or mostly Italian: small- and medium-sized enterprises that have invested in autonomy or large companies (including international enterprises) that have made considerable investments in Italy. Investments that have helped bridge the digital divide, taking broadband (yesterday) and ultra-broadband (today) to places where market dynamics had often excluded investments by other private operators.
But, above all, investments that have helped create wealth in local regions, often very challenging due to their mountainous terrain and/or low population densities, bringing network access, infrastructures, investments and employment.